Social Worker, Psychiatric Assessment and Clinic Center (PACC)
Location: Tacoma Washington
Description: Department of Veterans Affairs seeks a Social Worker, Psychiatric Assessment and Clinic Center (PACC) immediately, this position will be placed in Washington. Vacancy Identification Number (VIN): 690187 Salary: To be determined by Professional Standard Board of your peers and based on your education, experience, and professional accomplishments. You could be part of an important initiative to provide mental health care for our nations Veterans! Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki has announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA... . For more detail information about this job opprtunity please read the description above, and if you interested on this job just click on the Apply Now button, you will be redirected to the official website
If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Department of Veterans Affairs.
This job starts available on: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:53:12 GMT